How Do I Stop My Addictions? What Are The Best Way To Stop My Addiction?

Damodara Benafa
4 min readJun 3, 2021

What is addiction

Addiction is when a person is unable to consistently abstain from a substance or behavior (ASAM). It can be a craving for alcohol, medication, or other substances. It can be wanting to overeat, shop, have sex, etc. to play, be on social media, work, or exercise. Whatever it is, it controls you.

Addiction can start with just one drink, enjoy the thrill of a big win, or pull off the thrill of a credit card. Euphoria makes it worthwhile … initially.

But then the consequences follow. And soon things seem to get out of hand. The first step in overcoming addictive behavior is to acknowledge it. By the time you read this, you may already know that you or a loved one needs help.

Do you or your loved one feel a lack of control over where to stay away from a substance or behavior?

Do you or your loved ones stop participating? With friends, family, or relationships?

Are you or your loved one taking illogical risks?

Are there physical withdrawal symptoms?

Change cannot always happen alone. If you want to speak to someone, chat here. We are here to listen. But once you realize this behavior and can see the negative impact on your life; You can start taking action. Here are some helpful suggestions on how you can start breaking the chain of addictions.

Set yourself a clear goal:

what do you want to achieve? Sometimes going from 100 to 0 can be difficult and sometimes it can be dangerous. For example, if a person is addicted to overeating, not overeating leads to another harmful disorder. If you are addicted to nicotine, it is easier to quit smoking using small doses, such as patches or chewing gum.

Set an achievable goal

— nicotine neglect can lead to relapse. Talking to a doctor, counselor, or other licensed professional can help you take clear steps to recovery.

House Cleaning

Once you’ve decided on a change and set your goal, it’s time to clean the house. What does that mean? Remove anything that could be an emotional trigger or substance that is available to you. It shatters your stash. It’s about unplugging the video game console, cutting up credit cards, tidying up the pantry, or taking safety precautions against the use of pornography.

Having a Trusted Friend or Therapy Group Success is greatest when you have a responsible partner, friend, supportive family member, or group. Lots of people know what AA is, and there is also a program called Celebrate Recovery that is designed for any addictive behavior or personal struggle. So add extra protection and responsibility as part of the prep phase.

Find the best therapy for you

There are cognitive behavioral therapies, online therapy programs, mindfulness approaches, and counseling. Contact a trusted professional and find out what will help you achieve your goal. Once you’ve spoken to an expert, it is time to get away from a substance that can be very uncomfortable which is why it is important to seek professional help. You can access it here: as an online resource.

Avoid Recollapsing

The main cause of re-addiction is stress, as a person can crave salvation. Ways to avoid major negative stressors can be through toxic relationships or bad circumstances (financial, physical, work, etc. It is also good to know when you are stressed and what to do when you are. It can take time to change negative coping mechanisms to positive ones. This is why more people relapse on the first attempt to quit an addiction than find recovery. it doesn’t mean failure; It happens because we long for what is missing. If you relapse, you can learn from it and try to understand what and why it happened so that you can take safety measures for the next time.

Finding normalcy

Many people replace one addictive behavior with another. The key to avoiding this lies in the presence and enjoyment of everyday life. You may not be in the rush that comes with addictive behavior, but there will be peace. John 14:27 says: “I make peace with you; I give you my peace. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your heart worry and do not be afraid. If you are injured and need someone to share your struggles with, we have free live chat available anytime. , every day and from anywhere in the world.

Here is just an easy tip to help you minimize your addiction. But I have a book that helps me stop my addictions for good, and it is totally and absolutely free to get.

Not to waste any of your time CLICK HERE to get this book

