Damodara Benafa
4 min readJul 2, 2022


NOTE: Read this article and have more details about making money online “CLICK HERE” Check it out.

They are easy and simple ways to make money online all it requires it’s a little amount of work and consistently and I promise you what I’m about to share to you have worked for me and many others more. I was once a starter and to make income online was literally difficult to do then I started going to my extremely about how to make this money online. But here you don’t have to go to your extreme because I will provide the source here on the article, before we dive into first to check the article because here I will be dropping just a tip of the iceberg.

1: Apply as a worker and do easy task online.
When I mean as a worker, I mean that you go online and do surveys, work for people by doing easy tasks, play games, and earn more. Here on this one you earn literally 50–100$ every day and do the math, 100 × 30 days months =3000$ dollars every single months and the best part is that these sites have referrals program where you invite a friend and earn commissions from every this your referrals do (the tips on how to get more referrals are on the article up above).

2: Be an Affiliate Marketer. Up to $300 a day or more. …
Whats Affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a means whereby you generate two-source income that is for both yourself and the publisher hiring you to generate sales, Example — let’s say Sir A is the publisher and Sir B is the Marketer And C is the link, Sir A goes to C to post a product for marketers like Sir B, Sir A say if Sir B gets a sale he earns 50% and the product cost 100$, which means they both earn 50$ each. Let do the math again, you being Sir B already knows you earn 50$ so you need buyers so ( tips are on the articles above) go and get buyers, imaging get 10 sales a day = 50$ × 10 sales = 500$ every day and for 30 days equals 1500$ (View the article and join the telegram group to know all these stuffs)

3: Sell Digital Products. Depends on the pricing of products and value sold. …
Here definitely you earn by creating digital products and trust me you have no idea on the mean, in another you turn a publisher but in different ways, Example- You create a product ( it can be a book about any stuff, or a video about any stuff you’regood att)) and you post on a site, here you’re are not dividing the money because you don’t need a marketer why so is that is aproduct-teachingg people about stuff you are good at (Learn how to create a product in the article about) again let’s do the math, your product cost 75$ and due to no people needs that products and the source you posted it to gets amazing traffic and you made 7 sales a day equals 525$ and a month equals 15750$ ( once again learn how to create high-ranking product in the article above).

4: Become a member Tester. …
This is quite low, how it works is that new, or sites, software, apps trying to improve on their work so they pay people to help them test if the theme, quick loading, and customer support are meeting their requirements like beta testing, rev and so on, Let do the maths the owners pay you 10 to help them test and you get more more more jobs simpler or even high paying to that so let say you get 15 jobs done × 10$ =150$ a month you earn 4500$, isn’t that amazing.

5: Tutor Students Online. …
Similar to the sell a product, so lets say you have an idea about baking cakes and you can teach people so you create a video about it sell it for them or another example you have an idea about making money online like I do, you can simple create the course and start self and have students

6: Work as a Freelancer online…
You earn by help people do their stuff online, Example — Sir X is searching for a logo design for his business and he goes to a site like Fiverr to get a Freelancer Sir W and Sir W say I will do it for you are a cost of $20 and Sir X pay and he gets his logo for his business, that’s how easy its. You can become a Freelancer if you’ve a skill ( I will teach you how to be skillful for such jobs in the telegram channel in the article above ). Go on Fiverr and search logo design there you will see some freelancer done over 2k jobs and the cost is 30 which equal 60k$ for just one gig “ THIS IS AWESOME”. Again do the math you have a gig cost 10$ and made over 30 sales days for one gig ( you’ve 3 gigs) so 3 × 10 = 30 × 30 cost per sale equals 900$ a day and a month equals 27000$ “THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING” I know it sounds crazy but it’s not join the group through the link in the article and learn all this stuff and how to use them better.
NOTE: We are at the end so if you forgot to join the group again by reading and following the process in the article then “CLICK HERE” check it out.

